Grange Hill is a British children’s television drama series, originally produced by the BBC and portraying life in a typical comprehensive school. The show began its run on 8 February 1978 on BBC1, and was one of the longest-running programmes on British television when it ended on 15 September 2008 after 31 series. It was created by Phil Redmond, who is also responsible for the Channel 4 dramas Brookside and Hollyoaks; other notable production team members down the years have included producer Colin Cant and script editor Anthony Minghella.
The show was cancelled in 2008, having run every year for 30 years. It was felt by the BBC that the series had run its course.
Top rated driving schools within 5 miles of Grange Hill, Essex
Business Name | Rating | Categories | Phone Number | Address |
Carcaptain | Driving Schools | +442070991232 | Queens Lodge, 4 Old Park Lane, Mayfair W1K 1QW, United Kingdom | |
1 Stop Instruction | Driving Schools | +442085977333 | Forest Road, Ilford IG6 3HJ, United Kingdom | |
Red Driving School | Driving Schools | +448002888962 | 1st Floor Kirkdale House, Kirkdale Road, London E11 1HP, United Kingdom | |
RoadRunner Driving School | Driving Schools | +442084729395 | 468 Katherine Road, Forest Gate E7 8DP, United Kingdom | |
Driver Training | Driving Schools | +448001777149 | London IG1, United Kingdom |
To find the driving schools, see the map below:
Common questions asked by learner drivers in Grange Hill
Q: How much is a 2 hour driving lesson in UK?
A: 2 hour driving lesson in the UK typically costs around £40.
Q: How much is the driving theory test in UK?
A: The driving theory test in the UK typically costs around £23.
Q: Can you learn to drive in a week?
A: It is possible to learn to drive in a week, but it is not recommended. It is better to take your time and learn at a pace that suits you.
Q: How many lessons do you need to pass the driving test?
A: There is no set number of lessons you need to pass the driving test, as everyone learns at a different pace. However, it is typically recommended that you have at least 20 hours of professional driving lessons, plus additional private practice, before taking your test.
Q: How long is a driving test?
A: The driving test in the UK lasts around 40 minutes.
Q: How many lessons does a first time driver need?
A: A first time driver typically needs around 30 hours of professional driving lessons, plus additional private practice, before taking their driving test.
Q: What happens if a learner driver is caught alone in the UK?
A: If a learner driver is caught driving alone in the UK, they will face a fine of up to £1,000 and their driving licence will be revoked.
Q: Is UK driving licence hard to get?
A: The driving licence process in the UK is not particularly difficult, but it is important to make sure you are well prepared before taking your test.